Enjoy the Impossible

why do you procrastinate and how to overcome it with NLP


🖊Batoul Khalifeh


🕓13 minutes

We have all been delaying some tasks and goals so far, as we simply keep convincing ourselves to postpone them to a later time. Whether it’s about filling in tax forms, doing some personal filing, tidying up bedrooms, competing for already-beginning projects, starting exercise or weight reduction programs, replying to emails or telephone calls, and much more certain behavior.

Procrastination seems to curse us all at some time in our life. This issue seems to be connected to the prefrontal cortex of the brain; the area responsible for decision-making, which helps us set goals, experience the future and allows us to run different options.

Knowing this fact, we can simply stop and ask ourselves: “Why am I unable to pursue my goal?”

Why Do You Procrastinate?

Procrastination is fundamentally misunderstood. You’re not just born lazy, and you don’t lack motivation. Procrastination is deeply rooted in a cognitive pattern that you’ve unconsciously learned along the way. In essence, it’s an approach-avoidance conflict.

It is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. It is different from laziness, which is the unwillingness to act, yet it can similarly restrict your potential and undermine your career.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs and professionals are smart individuals with many creative ideas, concepts, projects, and tasks… If they negligibly procrastinate they can’t expect success for themselves particularly nor for their businesses and careers generally, as procrastination is one of the biggest entrepreneurial enemies.

Putting things off isn’t a lack of time management skills neither of planning and preparing for future action steps. It’s a more personal problem that arises from our own habits and behaviors.
If you’re a procrastinator, then you’ve probably asked yourself at some point “why do I procrastinate so much?” or “why do I keep procrastinating even though I know that it’s bad for me?”. These are important questions since understanding why you procrastinate is crucial if you want to figure out how to stop doing it.

To successfully deal with your procrastination, you need to figure out why you procrastinate and how is your procrastination preventing you from achieving your goals, so you can easily formulate a concrete plan of action, based on appropriate techniques, that will actually help you complete your tasks.
why do you procrastinate
Fortunately, NLP is particularly useful when it comes to modeling motivation, understanding how it works, and offering pointers for managing it.

That’s why many of our coaching clients anxiously look to learn the easiest and the most useful NLP techniques that can help them in overcoming procrastination, as our NLP coaching sessions magically turn your procrastination into power!

As a matter of fact, chaining anchors is one of the NLP techniques that has been widely used by many practitioners in overcoming procrastination.

However, before we consider how NLP can help you overcome this issue effectively, let’s first understand why people even procrastinate in the first place? So let’s begin. There are numerous theories about why people procrastinate.

Some people say it’s about anxiety, the fear of failure, or the tyranny of perfectionism which all translates into a reluctance to take action. Other people talk about the saboteur within, and the fact that they are suffering from some deeper issues or personality flaws.

The Main Reasons For Procrastination

why do you procrastinate

One of the biggest problems is that theories could explain aspects of people’s experiences but overlook the process by which people get stuck. There can be many reasons why people procrastinate. However, the number one reason is often due to the lack of motivation to achieve something in their lives.

will help you overpass all of this!


When the pleasure to achieve a goal in life is not strong enough, we tend to rest on our laurels. We tend to put off doing the things that are necessary for us to realize our desired outcome. Thus, what we really need when we start to procrastinate is to move ourselves to a state of motivation.


As the state of motivation is usually far, it often requires developing a bridge or a chain of states, to effortlessly “move” from their present situation to the ideally desired one. And that’s what we simply call the NLP chaining anchors technique!

Think of a day where you were effectively at your best performance and you managed to catch up on everything, so that, afterward, there were no pending items hovering in the background. Think and feel that sense of lightness, freedom, and vitality you were full of, that day!


That’s your goal! Your goal is to keep yourself full of this feeling all the time!


You too can enjoy the same with the help of our NLP Coaching Programs and training sessions! and always keep in mind, “While we waste our time hesitating and postponing, Life is slipping away.”