Enjoy the Impossible

dedication by life coach dunia haddad


🖊Dunia Haddad


🕓5 minutes

This person who had endured so many losses in his life, being the loss of his child, the loss of his wife, the loss of his capacities and strength to human’s biggest enemy; Cancer, refused to surrender to his weaknesses and temptations until his last breath!


I dedicate this section to your soul Ammo Agop, to your energy, to your humbleness and elegance.


You once told me that I gave you a reason to live when you were the best example I can ever look up to, to enjoy and profit from my existence. Thus, I would like to promise you that you are the reason for which I will never surrender and will keep trying to help and give as much as I can, till the last day of my life.


Agopjean Andezian, may your soul rest in peace; you will always be in our hearts and minds.