Enjoy the Impossible


Positive attitude

What is NLP?

NLP is the acronym of Neuro Linguistic Programming, the science of understanding how the brain reacts to different events, creates certain emotions & images and translates them into words or in the body language.
Since 93% of communication means are non-verbal, most of the time, people say something but their behaviors speak differently. It’s hard for someone who didn’t study NLP to understand what’s happening in the mind of the other person who’s not feeling comfortable.
Whereas an NLP practitioner could figure out why you’re having those feelings, and what’s creating this state, in a short time, because they understand how you’re communicating with yourself on the inside.
The NLP practitioner is equipped to help you break down the mental barriers you put for yourself.

What is NLP used for?






“Neuro” meaning nerve, refers to the way we gather information from the outside world, using our five senses. “Linguistic” is the study of language, referring to the way we make sense of said information by organizing it into the structure of language. Finally, “Programming” is our way of controlling something. This refers to how we interpret the world and how we control our daily actions, choices and behaviors.

What is NLP used for?

NLP focuses on the mind, and the mind shapes all aspects of our lives. So, NLP is used in the following areas:


Trauma Healing

Trauma is the response to a painful event. If not healed, it could live with the person forever and ruin their lives. NLP is the science of healing people from any trauma, caused by the loss of a loved one, inability to forgive oneself, inability to trust oneself after a terrible experience, a damaged body, a broken self-confidence…


Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is not the same as stress, but they can both affect our lives in a negative way. Stress is the greatest cause of illness and death in the world. Being unable to deal with it can damage one’s life and the people around them. NLP coaching identifies the pattern of those feelings to challenge them and make you move on healthily.





“The quality of your life is the quality of your emotions”

– Tony Robbins

Befriending all your emotions, and breaking down the mental barriers you put for yourself through NLP will improve the quality of your life, thus your overall well-being and health.



Customers are people. Employees are people. shareholders are people. If you don’t understand people, you won’t understand business.
The quality of your business depends on the quality of your relationship with all the stakeholders.

Dunia provides NLP training for corporations:
1. NLP for easy persuasion skills and magical sales
2. NLP for effective communication
3. NLP for project management
4. NLP Poly-intelligence



Anxiety is not the same as stress, but they can both affect our lives in a negative way. Stress is the greatest cause of illness and death in the world. Being unable to deal with it can damage one’s life and the people around them. NLP coaching identifies the pattern of those feelings to challenge them and make you move on healthily.

Who Should Study NLP and Why?

Anyone can study NLP, if they are willing to communicate more deeply with others, whether at home or at work, so NLP is for you…

  1. If you are a parent or preparing yourself to become one and you want to better understand your children and better communicate with them
  2. If you a supervisor or manager at any level and you need more effective ways to communicate with your team and enhance its productivity
  3. If you are an educator of any kind and wants better interactive classes, and better relationships with your students
  4. If you are a people person and want to improve your people skills
  5. If you are an introvert who wants to develop their communication skills
  6. If you are studying public speaking and want to better understand your audience to catch them
  7. If you experienced a certain trauma and want to be able to move on
  8. If you want to help your family or community to move on after a collective trauma

Learn NLP with Dunia

The person who can help you the best, is the one who has experienced what you are going through or previously endured.

Life wasn’t easy on Dunia, but as tough as it was, Dunia was tougher, and determined to make it.

She never stopped asking questions and searching for answers.


In the middle of so much noise, she focused to hear the voice within to find herself.

Since then, Dunia has been training and coaching people for the last 12 years to find their own voice while silencing all the distractions and NOISE.


Trauma happens, If you don’t face it, you will only be surviving till your last day,

But if you have the courage to stand up and make the first step to move on for a new chapter of your life, every day will be a new beginning.


Dunia is an internationally certified Master NLP practitioner & Trainer, with years of experience in training and coaching individuals and corporate members and teams.